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What is session duration

Session duration refers to the average time a user spends on a web page during a single session. A session begins when a user comes to your website and ends when the user leaves or is inactive for a given period of time, usually around 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the settings in your analytics tool.

Usecases for session duration:

  1. User engagementA longer session duration may indicate that users find your content interesting and engaging. This is especially important for websites with the goal of providing users with information, entertainment or services.
  2. Content evaluationSession duration provides insight into which pages or content hold users' attention the longest. This can help you identify the types of content that work best and optimize further.
  3. User Experience: A short session duration may indicate problems with the user experience, such as difficulty navigating, long loading times, or poor mobile responsiveness.
  4. Bot traffic: In combination with bounce rate, session duration can be used to calculate how much of the traffic is not real and comes from bots and other automated sources.