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About Mediaveien

Local marketing agency with global reach
Mediaveien logo


We are a marketing agency that was started in 2018 with the goal of helping companies with digital visibility. We are now an established agency in Northern Norway with clients all over Finnmark, especially many in Alta, where we have our office.

We started mainly with the production of video and photography for use in social media.

Our development

In recent years, however, we have also been able to offer web development, search engine optimization and extensive marketing campaigns across multiple digital surfaces and platforms.

The expansion of our services has been carried out in order to deliver a more holistic marketing product to our customers. Our goal for the future is to grow together with our customers.



magnus mediaveien
Magnus K. Jonas
Daglig Leder og eier
Skule isaksen
Skule Isaksen
Digital innholdsprodusent
Joshua Hitharie
Joshua Hitharie
Digital innholdsprodusent

Gain control of your marketing

Digital marketing tailored to your needs

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